MIR Index

The MIR Index is an indicator created to more intuitively reflect the prosperity of a certain industry and the market's investment enthusiasm towards the industry. It can be used by industrial enterprises to determine whether the target industry is in a stage of production expansion and strong market demand. It can be used by financial enterprises to determine whether the target industry is currently in a low-risk, stable and sustainable development stage suitable for investment. It can also be used by media enterprises to determine whether the target industry is popularly discussed and attracts high traffic. It can be used as an important auxiliary tool for corporate decision-making, operation reference, and industry research.
The index value range is [-100 ~ 100], and we divide it into three different prosperity levels as below:
Index Range Prosperity Level State of the Industry
≥30 Prosperity If the index value is ≥30 for three consecutive quarters, it indicates that the industry is in a state of continued expansion, with active market demand and high investment enthusiasm. Historical data can be used to determine the risk factor and target industry for tracking.
5~30 Neutral If the index value remains between 5 and 30 for three consecutive quarters, it indicates that the industry is in a stable production stage with balanced supply and demand. Historical data can be used to observe recent market trends and relevant policies and maintain attention.
<5 Recession If the index value is <5 for three consecutive quarters, it indicates that the industry's expansion is low, with excess capacity and losses for most relevant enterprises, and a decline in investment enthusiasm and public attention. It is not suitable for the development of new businesses. If the historical data shows a downward trend, caution should be exercised and defensive measures should be taken.
This index is a measuring system compiled by MIR Databank through the quarterly survey results of the entire manufacturing market, including the following three aspects:
  • ● Monitoring the trend of general macroeconomic indicators (industrial added value, industry fixed investment, export delivery value, output value)
  • ● Collecting financial indicators of the downstream industry's top listed companies (revenue, net profit, stock market value)
  • ● Interpreting the growth rate of the downstream industry's automation market (the performance of the downstream industry's automation product market)