MIR Databank Service Agreement

Welcome to the MIR Databank platform (the website with the domain name https://www.mirdatabank.ca or under TLD of .jp and.ca) and use the products and services MIR Databank provides. The MIR Databank Service Agreement is between you and Beijing Borui Dejia Information Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MIR Databank"). It has the same legal effect on both parties. Before completing the registration process or using the MIR Databank platform services, please carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this service agreement (hereinafter referred to as "service agreement"). If you think that the bolded terms in this agreement may damage some or all of your rights or interests, please read it carefully and only continue to use MIR Databank on the premise of ensuring that you have understood and accepted the bolded terms User Services. If you are a minor, please read and decide whether to agree to this agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian.

1. General

1.1 The "user" referred to in this agreement includes registered users and unregistered users. Users who have not registered for our products and services become "unregistered users" when they start using our products and services. All other terms other than those exclusively apply to “users” apply to “unregistered users.”
1.2 MIR Databank has the right to change the content of this agreement. Once the content of this agreement changes, MIR Databank will notify you on the corresponding page, on the site, or in other reasonable ways. Please read it carefully. If you disagree with the changed content, you can stop using MIR Databank user services. If you continue to use it, you are deemed to have agreed to all the changes. The updated agreement will take effect from the first day such an update is issued.
1.3 Agreements, announcements, page descriptions, notices, FAQs, and other content related to user services that MIR Databank has released or will publish in the user center from time to time. The content mentioned above will come into effect once published, and all constitute an integral part of this agreement.

2. Account

2.1. User Definition
(1) MIR Databank users: use the MIR Databank platform or register an account on the MIR Databank platform to become the main body of registered users.
(2) MIR Databank paid user: the natural or legal person who has completed all the procedures for purchasing MIR Databank paid products and enjoys the virtual commodity services provided by MIR Databank within the validity period of the paid user period under the premise of abiding by this agreement. Please purchase the corresponding virtual commodity rights according to your needs and enjoy the related services. At the same time, MIR Databank hereby kindly reminds you that services in this agreement require additional payment.
(3) You confirm that you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization (hereinafter referred to as "you"). If you are a minor or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct, you do not have the aforementioned subject qualifications, and you and your guardian shall bear all the consequences caused by your improper registration behavior.
2.2. Account Registration
(1) When you fill in the information according to the prompts on the registration page (including but not limited to your email address, mobile phone number, or other methods allowed by MIR Databank as login), read and agree to this service agreement and complete all registration procedures, you can get MIR Databank account and become a user of MIR Databank. You have the right to log in to the MIR Databank website with the account you set up and then use other services provided by MIR Databank.
(2) You should accurately provide and update your account information promptly by the requirements of laws and regulations or according to the prompts on the corresponding page so as to make it valid, timely, complete, and accurate. Due to untrue, untimely, incomplete, or inaccurate information and materials filled in, you shall bear the consequences and losses that you cannot use the MIR Databank account (it cannot be registered successfully, or the account is frozen or canceled) or you use it.
(3) Your account and password are set and kept by you, and you must keep your MIR Databank account and password confidential. You are responsible for all the actions of your own account, and you are solely responsible for any other person’s actions under your account due to the loss of your account or password due to your own reasons.
(4) Please pay special attention to the fact that the behavior under your MIR Databank user account is regarded as your own behavior, and you are responsible for the activities that occur under your MIR Databank user account or through this account.
(5) MIR Databank may require you to provide more identity materials and information for further identity verification or qualification verification for the opening of specific products or services. Your account can only be used after passing these verifications and verifications. Qualify to use related products or services.
(6) Normally, your MIR Databank account is your unique identity for all activities on the MIR Databank website. Unless otherwise agreed, each MIR Databank account can independently carry out activities on this website. Unless expressly stipulated by law, judicial ruling, or with the consent of MIR Databank, you may not transfer, gift, or let others inherit your MIR Databank account in any way. Otherwise, MIR Databank will take measures to freeze your account.
2.3 Account independence
(1) Your MIR Databank user account can only be used by you for non-commercial purposes. Unless MIR Databank agrees, MIR Databank user rights cannot be transferred, migrated, assigned, gifted, sold, rented, or shared between different accounts, even if the different accounts are owned by the same person. MIR Databank hereby kindly reminds you that you should pay attention to the distinction when purchasing/participating in paid user services to avoid unnecessary losses.
(2) MIR Databank hereby declares: Any sale or transfer of MIR Databank user qualifications without the express authorization of MIR Databank is an illegal sale or transfer. MIR Databank has the right to close the authority and pursue its legal responsibility.
2.4. Account Cancellation and Appeal
(1) The account name you set must not violate national laws and regulations, management practices of MIR Databank, or easily cause confusion between you and MIR Databank. Otherwise, your account may not be successfully registered, or MIR Databank has the right to cancel after notifying you.
(2) Your use of the services of the MIR Databank website or APP shall comply with this service agreement. If you violate the usage specifications and other content of this service agreement, MIR Databank has the right to make an independent judgment and block or delete the content information that violates this service agreement at any time, freeze the account (no access), cancel the account, block IP or even directly delete Suspend, interrupt or terminate the provision of relevant services (including fee-based services) to you without any liability to you or any third party. For users who register maliciously, log in abnormally, or grant access to MIR Databank products to anyone other than the user and authorized users, the IP will be blocked, or the user account will be deleted directly, and the account will not be reopened. If MIR Databank suspends, interrupts, or terminates the provision of fee-based services to you due to the above reasons, any money you have previously paid will not be returned.
(3) In order to protect account security and prevent account theft, MIR Databank may use one or more methods to authenticate account users from time to time or on a regular basis (such as email verification, SMS verification, etc.); if not If the verification is successfully passed, MIR Databank has reasonable grounds to suspect that the account is insecure, such as being stolen, and decides whether to suspend the continued provision of services to the account and/or take further measures depending on the seriousness of the circumstances.
(4) If you apply to MIR Databank for lifting the above freeze or cancellation through the appeal procedure, for the safety of your account, you should cooperate and truthfully provide the company registration certificate (identity certificate) and related materials, as well as other information or documents required by MIR Databank, for verification by MIR Databank. You should fully understand that your appeal is not necessarily legitimate, and MIR Databank has the right to decide whether to agree to your appeal request.
(5) If you find that someone else has used your MIR Databank account and password without authorization, you should immediately follow the account recovery process officially announced by MIR Databank to recover your account or notify MIR Databank to appeal. MIR Databank may ask you to provide corresponding information and/or certification materials during the retrieval process. Please ensure that the content you provide is true and valid. Otherwise, it may fail to pass the verification of MIR Databank and result in retrieval failure. MIR Databank will assist you in freezing your account, changing your password or making other security settings. You understand that it will take reasonable time for MIR Databank to act on your request, and MIR Databank will not be liable for any consequences (including but not limited to any losses you may suffer) that have occurred before taking action and are caused by you.

3. By-Laws for Usage

3.1 You promise not to use MIR Databank or MIR Databank's services to engage in activities that endanger national interests, collective interests, and citizens' legitimate interests, and you must not jeopardize the security of MIR Databank's services or use technology or other means to destroy or disrupt the websites of other MIR Databank customers. Do not produce, copy, or publish illegal information containing the following content:
(1) Objecting to the basic principles established by the P.R. China Constitution;
(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
(3) Damage to national honor and interests;
(4) Propagating terrorism, extremism, or inciting terrorist or extremist activities;
(5) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
(6) Undermining the state's religious policy, promoting cults and superstitious notions;
(7) Spreading rumors and disrupting economic and social order;
(8) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or abetting crimes;
(9) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on others' reputation, privacy, and other legitimate rights and interests;
(10) Other content or information prohibited by laws and regulations.
3.2 You promise to abide by the following regulations and obligations strictly:
(1) Comply with relevant Chinese and local laws and regulations;
(2) Comply with all network agreements, regulations, procedures, and practices of using the service;
(3) Do not use the service system for any illegal purpose;
(4) shall not infringe any other third party's patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, reputation rights, or any other legal rights;
(5) Do not use the MIR Databank service system to conduct any behavior that is not conducive to MIR Databank;
(6) Do not interfere with or confuse network services;
(7) Do not illegally enter other computer systems without permission;
(8) Do not use or conduct any behaviors that endanger computer network security for MIR Databank products and related services, including but not limited to:
i. Using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts;
ii. Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of MIR Databank-related products or related websites, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services;
iii. Accessing public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, and adding stored information;
iv. Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, compile or otherwise try to discover the source code of the software for various products of MIR Databank;
v. Without permission, attempt to probe, scan, or test the weaknesses of MIR Databank's product systems or networks or other behaviors that undermine network security;
vi. Forge TCP/IP packet names or parts of names.
(9) When transmitting data and information from mainland China to overseas, it must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations;
(10) Do not maliciously register MIR Databank accounts, including but not limited to frequent and batch registrations. Do not maliciously log in to the MIR Databank account frequently, including but not limited to frequent logins from different IP addresses, frequent logins from different devices, excessive login times, etc.;
(11) Do not access and use the materials and information in MIR Databank's products beyond the provisions of this service agreement, including data information, visual design, text and written works, tapes and other audiovisual works, the image works, such as images, photos, paintings, drawings, illustrations and designs, audio tapes and musical works and compilations and other copyright works;
(12) You may not grant the access rights of MIR Databank's products to anyone other than you and authorized by you in the form of renting, renting out, lending, selling, or otherwise;
(13) You can only legally use MIR Databank's fee-based products and related services. However, unless you have MIR Databank's express prior written authorization, otherwise, you may not adapt, reproduce, disseminate, vertical search, mirror, or trade MIR Databank's various fee-based products and related services in any form;
(14) You can only purchase account permissions in MIR Databank or legal channels authorized by MIR Databank;
(15) MIR Databank grants you a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use MIR Databank's fee-based products and related services legally. All other rights not expressly authorized by this agreement are still reserved by MIR Databank, and you must obtain the written permission of MIR Databank separately when exercising these rights. At the same time, if MIR Databank does not exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it does not constitute a waiver of such rights.
3.3 For any content that you upload to the publicly available area on MIR Databank through MIR Databank network technical services, you agree to grant MIR Databank perpetual, irrevocable, free, non-exclusive, and sub-licensable worldwide rights and licenses, MIR Databank may use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works based on, transmit, perform and display all or part of such content, and/or compile all or part of such content into any other form of work, media or technology.
3.4 Without the written permission of MIR Databank, you shall not authorize, allow, or assist any third party to perform the following operations on the information and content of MIR Databank's products and related services:
(1) Copy, read, and use the information content of MIR Databank's products and related services, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to publicizing to third parties other than you, increasing reading volume, browsing volume, etc.;
(2) Editing, sorting out, and arranging the information content of MIR Databank's products and related services without authorization and displaying them on channels other than the source pages of MIR Databank's products and related services;
(3) Use any form of identification methods, including but not limited to special logos, special codes, etc., to generate traffic, reading guidance, transfer, hijacking, etc., on the information or content of MIR Databank's products and related services by itself or by assisting a third party influences;
(4) resell MIR Databank product content in its original state or in digital form;
(5) Implant or embed the content of MIR Databank products into your own products;
(6) MIR Databank products or third-party trademarks, trade names, or service marks (including the domain name https://www.mirdatabank.ca) are implanted or embedded in your own products;
(7) Other acts of illegally obtaining the information content of MIR Databank products and related services.
3.5 With the written permission of MIR Databank, your sharing and reposting of the information and content of MIR Databank products and related services shall also comply with the following specifications:
(1) With regard to obtaining, counting, and acquisition of related search hot words, hit rate, classification, search volume, click-through rate, reading volume, and other related data without the prior written consent of MIR Databank, the above data shall not be published in any way, or be provided or disclosed to any third party;
(2) Any changes in any form shall not be made to the source webpages of MIR Databank products and related services, including but not limited to homepage links of MIR Databank products and related services, links to advertising systems, etc. The display of the source page of the service is hindered by any form of blocking, insertion, pop-up windows, etc.;
(3) Safe, effective, and rigorous measures should be taken to prevent the information content of MIR Databank's products and related services from being illegally obtained by third parties in any form;
(4) Do not use the relevant data content for purposes beyond the scope of MIR Databank's written permission, conduct any form of commercial use, or disclose, provide or allow third parties to use it in any way;
(5) Your behavior of sharing, forwarding, and copying the information and content of MIR Databank's products and related services to any third party shall also abide by other norms and standards established by MIR Databank for this purpose.

4. MIR Databank Service Description

4.1 Basic service description
4.1.1 The specific content of MIR Databank service is provided by MIR Databank according to the actual situation.
4.1.2 MIR Databank only provides you with relevant digital products or services. You must provide the necessary equipment for Internet access (such as a personal computer, mobile phone, modem, or other necessary Internet access devices) and the required fees.
4.1.3 Based on the importance of the services provided by MIR Databank, you should agree to the following:
(1) Provide detailed and accurate personal information;
(2) Continuously update the registration information to meet the timely, detailed, and accurate requirements.
When you use products or services provided by a third party on MIR Databank, in addition to complying with this agreement, you should also abide by the relevant agreements of the third party. MIR Databank and the third party are each responsible for possible disputes within the scope of legal provisions and agreements.
4.1.4 MIR Databank may notify you of the progress of the service and prompt you for the next step by email, site notifications, text messages, or phone calls. During the service process, you should log in to your MIR Databank account in time to view and perform transaction operations.
4.2. Description of Paid Services
4.2.1 Some of MIR Databank's services are provided in a fee-based manner, and you can purchase various fee-based products and related services online through your account registered with MIR Databank. If you need to customize MIR Databank fee-based products and related services, please consult MIR Databank’s customer service sales staff (you can also send an email: support@mirdatabank.ca) for related fee-based products and related services. MIR Databank has the right to formulate and adjust the service fee. The specific service fee and other related rights and obligations are subject to the announcement of the charging method listed on the page when you use the relevant product or service or other written agreement between you and MIR Databank.
4.2.2 MIR Databank may modify and change the charging standards and methods of fee-based services according to actual needs, and MIR Databank may also start charging for some free services. Before the modification, change, or start of charging fees, MIR Databank will notify or announce on the corresponding service page. From the date of notification or announcement, your continued use of this product and related services will be deemed acceptance of all modifications.
4.2.3 All paid virtual products on MIR Databank cannot be returned or exchanged once sold. Regarding pricing, MIR Databank reserves the right to change the prices of various fee-based products at any time, and MIR Databank reserves the right to correct mispricing that may occur unintentionally. In the event of a pricing error, MIR Databank will notify the user and allow the user to continue the transaction at the correct price or cancel the order without the user being charged.
4.3. Changes, Interruptions, or Termination of Services
4.3.1 MIR Databank has the right to make some or all changes to the content of user services in accordance with changes in laws, regulations, and policies, requirements of copyright owners, and changes in its own operating strategies. Regarding the aforementioned changes, MIR Databank will publish them through corresponding service pages, in-site notifications, or other reasonable means, and they will take effect on the date of publication. After the release, your continued operations (including but not limited to clicking to agree, continuing to purchase, completing payment, or using MIR Databank user services, etc.) are deemed to have accepted the aforementioned changes.
4.3.2 The interruption or termination of this service includes the following situations:
(1) You initiate the termination;
(2) You or MIR Databank believes that you have violated national laws, regulations, or regulatory policies, violated this agreement, or damaged the reputation and interests of MIR Databank or/and its affiliated companies after independent judgment;
(3) MIR Databank shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, regulatory policies, or the requirements of competent authorities;
(4) MIR Databank is required for emergency situations such as maintaining the account and system security;
(5) Force majeure (in view of the special nature of the Internet, force majeure also includes hacker attacks, major impacts caused by technical adjustments of the telecommunications sector, temporary shutdowns caused by government regulations, virus attacks, etc., that affect the normal operation of the Internet);
(6) Other circumstances that MIR Databank cannot resist;
(7) You have violated this agreement.
4.3.3 When the aforementioned termination occurs, both you and MIR Databank agree to the following actions and treatment:
(1) User rights that have been generated but not used are automatically cleared and will not be discounted;
(2) If you have an ongoing transaction on the MIR Databank platform, MIR Databank will handle it reasonably according to the situation;
(3) Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or otherwise stated by MIR Databank, paid user fees collected by MIR Databank will not be refunded;
(4) If the termination is caused by your violation of this agreement, MIR Databank has the right to require you to bear the corresponding liability for breaching of the contract according to the circumstances.
4.3.4 For the website’s normal operation, MIR Databank regularly or irregularly conducts inspections, maintenance, or system upgrades on the MIR Databank platform or related equipment, resulting in service interruptions. MIR Databank will try its best to avoid service interruptions or limit the interruption time to the shortest possible time; MIR Databank shall not be liable for service interruptions within a reasonable period of time.
4.3.5 In case of any of the following situations, MIR Databank has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of network services (including paid network services) to users at any time and suspend accounts without any responsibility to users or any third party:
(1) The information provided by the user is not true;
(2) The user violates the relevant provisions of the Terms of Service;
(3) The user fails to pay the corresponding service fee to MIR Databank as required when using the paid network service;
(4) The user purchases account rights through any other channels not legally authorized by MIR Databank. If MIR Databank terminates this agreement or suspends the account due to the above reasons, any money previously paid by the user will not be returned.

5. Protection of Privacy and Personal Information

1. MIR Databank will take security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations to protect the security and controllability of your account and your information. For details, please refer to the Privacy Policy of MIR Databank. (The query path is: log in to https://www.mirdatabank.ca, click Login-User Privacy, and click "Privacy Policy").
2. There are some sections in MIR Databank that require you to provide personal information to use its functions or collect your personal information (including but not limited to a mobile phone number, company information, etc.).
3. You understand and agree that for the purpose of providing you with better services, MIR Databank has the right to use or display, copy, store, use or transmit your account number, name, mobile phone number, email address, location to a third party Company information and related information, data, etc. generated during your use of MIR Databank. MIR Databank will not use your account number, name, mobile phone number, email address, company, or other information for any purpose that is not authorized by you and MIR Databank.
4. MIR Databank will not track, associate, mine, reflectively search, obtain your personal information, or use your account number, name, mobile phone number, email address, company, and other information to engage in behaviors that are not related to this agreement.
5. MIR Databank will not collect and use your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations, or the agreement of both parties, otherwise you have the right to ask MIR Databank to delete your personal information; if your personal information collected and stored by MIR Databank is wrong, you MIR Databank may be requested to make corrections.
6. On the premise of not disclosing your private information, MIR Databank has the right to analyze the entire user database and make commercial use of the user database.
7. You agree that MIR Databank will send you advertisements, promotions, or publicity information (including commercial and non-commercial information) while providing services or by third-party advertisers, and the method and scope may be changed without special notice to you.
8. Protection of minors: MIR Databank attaches great importance to the protection of minors.
(1) If you are a minor, you should read this agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian, and you have obtained your guardian’s consent for using paid user services.
(2) Guardians should guide their children on the safety issues they should pay attention to when surfing the Internet to prevent problems before they happen. Suppose the guardian agrees that minors use paid user services. In that case, they must apply for consumption in the guardian’s name and provide correct guidance and supervision for minors to use paid user services. Minors are deemed to have obtained the guardian's approval when they use paid user services and exercise and perform the rights and obligations under this agreement.
(3) MIR Databank reminds minors to be good at online learning when using MIR Databank services, recognize the difference between the online world and the real world, and avoid being addicted to the Internet and affecting their daily study life

6. Intellectual Property Rights

6.1 Except for third-party products or services, all content on the MIR Databank platform (including but not limited to https://www.mirdatabank.ca) (including but not limited to: text, software, sound, pictures, videos provided by MIR Databank , diagrams, advertisements, web pages, data, videos and other information provided by MIR Databank), all of which are legally owned by MIR Databank or relevant parties, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.
6.2 Without the written permission of MIR Databank or relevant parties, no one may use or create related derivative works in any form. Therefore, you can only use these contents under the authorization of MIR Databank and relevant rights holders, and you cannot copy, publish, reprint, play, adapt, compile or otherwise use these contents or use them for any other commercial purposes or non-commercial purposes. If you use the above-mentioned content that MIR Databank or relevant parties own intellectual property rights in violation of this agreement and cause losses to MIR Databank or relevant parties or others, you shall bear full legal responsibility.
6.3 MIR Databank respects intellectual property rights. Unless obtained your consent, MIR Databank will not use, modify, reproduce, publicly disseminate, change, distribute, distribute, or publicly publish your intellectual property achievements.

7. Export Control

Both parties undertake to abide by the export control laws and regulations of the United Nations, China, the United States, and other countries applicable to this agreement. You undertake not to use the products or services provided by MIR Databank for purposes prohibited by applicable export control laws and regulations. Without the permission of the relevant competent authority, you and other individuals or entities that you authorize to use MIR Databank products or services will not provide controlled technology, software, or service.

8. Information Security Incidents

MIR Databank will respond to information security incidents promptly based on the security emergency response center and manage information security incidents by the requirements of national laws and regulations and by relevant security incident handling standards. When an information security incident involving your relevant assets occurs, MIR Databank will promptly inform you of the incident-related situation through emails, letters, telephone calls, push notifications, etc., and you can also take the initiative to contact through customer service calls, key account manager calls, etc. MIR Databank.

9. Scope of Liability and Limitation of Liability

9.1 You understand and agree that any loss caused to MIR Databank and its affiliates, employees, customers, and partners due to your violation of the usage specifications or any other content of this service agreement, or any actions taken under your account, you shall bear full liability for compensation. If MIR Databank and its affiliated companies, employees, customers, and partners are claimed by a third party as a result of this, you shall be responsible for handling and compensating MIR Databank and its affiliated companies for all losses and liabilities suffered thereby.
9.2 To the extent permitted by applicable laws, MIR Databank shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, or derivative losses (including business loss, loss of income, loss of profits, or use of data) related to or arising from this service agreement, loss of goodwill or other economic interests) shall be liable for compensation.
9.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in this service agreement or otherwise agreed between MIR Databank and you regarding a specific product and/or service, in any case, you agree that MIR Databank shall be liable for compensation resulting from the provision of a specific product and/or service The total amount shall not exceed the total amount charged to you for the current service.
9.4 You are fully aware and fully understand: the data products provided by MIR Databank in this service agreement are for your reference only, and the data products will be affected by uncertain factors and will be interpreted subjectively. Based on this, you should bear the risks arising from investment transactions, and MIR Databank will not bear any losses caused by your investment and business operations.

10. Force Majeure and Accidents

MIR Databank's website may not be able to operate normally due to the following force majeure or accidents, and MIR Databank shall not be liable for damages:
10.1 Due to force majeure factors such as natural disasters (typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, plagues, epidemics, etc.), strikes, riots, wars, terrorist attacks, government actions, changes in legal policies, and judicial administrative orders;
10.2 Public service factors such as power supply failure, communication network failure, telecommunication equipment failure, domain name interpretation failure, computer virus, hacker attack, technical adjustment or failure of the telecommunications department, and bank problems;
10.3 Service delays, service failures, or any other similar events of other network, equipment, or technology providers;
10.4 Due to special circumstances that MIR Databank believes will affect users' normal use of the database platform, MIR Databank has the right to decide to upgrade the website, maintain the system, and update content within a short period of time.

11. Application of Law and Jurisdiction

The validity, interpretation, modification, execution, and dispute resolution of this service agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Disputes arising from this service agreement shall be submitted to the People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing for resolution.

12. Delivery of Notice

12.1 You understand and agree that MIR Databank can send you notifications through one or more of the above notification methods such as web announcements, emails, site messages, text messages, phone calls, system messages, and instant messaging, and MIR Databank can rely on the information you provide The contact information of is complete, accurate and current; the above notice is deemed to have been delivered when it is sent successfully.
12.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in this service agreement or a separate agreement signed between MIR Databank and you clearly stipulates the notification method, the notification you send to MIR Databank should be communicated through the correspondence address, fax number, email address, etc. officially announced by MIR Databank Information is delivered.
12.3 If you have any questions about this agreement or the process of using this agreement (including consultation, complaints, etc.), MIR Databank provides you with a variety of feedback channels, hoping to provide you with a satisfactory solution:
(1) Online customer service/other online feedback channels: You can contact the online customer service on the product function page on the MIR Databank platform or submit online feedback; (
(2) Manual customer service channel: You can call any customer service phone of MIR Databank to contact MIR Databank; (3) Other methods: other feedback channels provided by MIR Databank. We will reply to you as soon as possible after receiving your feedback.

13. Charges and Unsubscribe

13.1 Charging methods:
(1) MIR Databank paid user service is a paid service, and you can complete the payment of virtual commodity fees through the payment methods supported by MIR Databank, such as third-party payment. Please note that if you use your Apple account or the communication account bound to your paid user account to make a payment, this payment method is the payment method collected by the operator on behalf of the toll collection. There may be certain risks for you to pay through this payment method. Such risks may cause corresponding economic losses to you, and you shall bear all losses by yourself.
(2) MIR Databank hereby reminds you to carefully check account information, purchased service content, price, service period, and other information before purchasing paid commodity services (including automatic renewal services).

14. Others

14.1 This service agreement is composed of the content of this service agreement, the rules, and specifications displayed on the relevant pages of the website, product/service instructions (including operation documents), and other terms/conditions that you click to confirm, MIR Databank and you are bound by it, and The related nouns can be quoted and explained mutually.
14.2 If any provision of this service agreement is deemed to be abolished, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed separable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of this service agreement and other conditions.
14.3 MIR Databank has the right to transfer all or part of the rights and obligations of this service agreement to affiliated companies of MIR Databank by publishing announcements on the official website of MIR Databank, and sending in-site notifications or email notifications.
14.4 Unless otherwise agreed, due to professional service considerations, MIR Databank may also entrust affiliated companies or other legal entities to provide you with one or more specific services on the MIR Databank website, and you may enter into relevant contracts with such companies. Please read the terms and conditions carefully, fully understand the terms and conditions, and choose to accept or not accept the terms and conditions.
14.5 The intellectual property rights clauses, legal application, jurisdiction clauses, and other clauses that should survive in nature (such as the authenticity of registration information, etc.) under this service agreement will not become invalid due to the termination of this service agreement.