The Online Databank Specialized in Manufacturing Industry
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Disclaimer about Data Integrity in terms of Financial Implications

Beijing Borui Dejia Information Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or MIR) is the owner and operator of MIR Databank, the most comprehensive database with tools focused on the Chinese industrial products market. MIR Databank is dedicated to providing our clients with competitive intelligence while maintaining high standards of information integrity. Periodic sales data by suppliers for pre-defined product lines is one major type of data in the MIR Databank. We generate such data across all pre-defined product lines in the MIR Databank, without distinction between data about public or private companies. These sales data, like all data in MIR Databank, were the intellectual result of our analyst teams. They are deduced, inferred, or estimated (or using a combination of these methods) from publicly available information, or information that can typically be gathered through standard market research procedures. Our Company does not seek or hold any material non-public information about any publicly traded companies. Our Company confirms that no information provided to our customers through MIR Databank constitutes material non-public information about any publicly traded company.